Infinity Audio in 2022!

Infinity Audio is gearing up for a mind-blowing 2022! We have some developments in store that are going to make you really happy!

Our past year

This past year has been an exciting one for Infinity Audio. While 2020-2021 might not go down as everyone’s favourite years - lockdown, masks, expanding bellies - it was the date of birth for ONE Control. We’ve heard a lot of love and received valuable feedback regarding both the Pro and DAW Editions, and we’re taking all that into mind for our new versions and beyond.

We’ve also gotten a new face for our website and set up social presence on Twitter, with more to follow.

Infinity’s team has grown this year. We’re assembling a team of musicians who love the infinite possibilities of technology. (In fact, we’re still looking for other developers, so give us a shout if you’re qualified!)

Our community is growing, but we really hope 2022 will be the year it takes off! We base our product development on what you want, so please get in there and let yourself be heard!

Branching out

We have a vision beyond our flagship product: ONE Control. We’re excited about ways we’ve found to quickly develop new products and options based on your expressed needs.

Infinity Audio is also seeking to assist musicians on every stage of their musical journeys. So we are currently developing apps and tools that will be beneficial everyone from students to seasoned studio engineers.

Unfortunately for you, this is all very secret.

Sneak Peeks

Well, ok, twist our arms and we’ll tell you a little. Here are some hints:

  • Deeper integration with select DAWS beyond Mackie and MIDI

  • Graphic options so good for your modular controllers that you’ll call in sick at work so you can stay home and design your dream-panel!

  • Models based on your favourite gear

  • Complete MIDI control for hardware devices

Stay Tuned!

Intrigued? Excited? Drooling?

We hope so!

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